Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Snow I have been waiting for!

Today we celebrated the first real snow storm in San Pete county for the 09-10 snowkite season!  We rolled up the road to check on our buddy Busto who built a cabin above the 7,000 foot line.  He was in good shape when we got there with a nice fire rolling and in better spirits when we left.  A little Full Sail and Sailor Jerry went down the hatch and a toast to the first serious snow and more to come. 

Several inches had fallen at his cabin and a storm was raging as we left.  Come on winter, we want to snowkite this weekend. 

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Waiting for Snow!

As I wait for the snow to fall we have been hiking, biking and checking out Indian petroglyphs. Patrick, Brian and I have been exploring the mountains, cutting wood and enjoying the fall weather. Patrick hit the road for Texas Friday and we worked in the office to be ready to hit the road for snowkiting in Wyoming or Montana next week. Come on winter! Brian’s beard is grown; what more do we need for snow to fall? We have our snowkite license plates placed on the van and we are ready to hit the road for snowkiting season!

Brians wonderful lovely beard that I like so much :)

My favorite place to sit and relax.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Brian and I went camping at Paiute Reservoir for the weekend. It was so nice and relaxing staying in one place for the complete time. We used the new kayaks, went about 15 miles paddling.
Then did a bit of kitesurfing, the wind we great during most of the day. Finally used the trailer too! I can't wait to go back, it will be nice when its a bit warmer so we can actually go play in the water.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Kayaks

Brian and I got our favorite new toys, 2 kayaks that we can go anywhere in. So we have been tackling all the lakes on Skyline, our goal is to circumnavigate every one this summer. We are also teaching Powder and Marley to ride in the back which is very tricky to not get tipped, especially with Powder.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beartooth Pass

We went to Beartooth Pass for Memorial Day weekend, wow what a place. You start from Yellowstone National Park and then head up to the pass. It is the most epic road I have ever been on, Sunday night heading down in a Thunder, Rain, Hail and Snow storm Joel and Brian were freaked out. Rocks rolling in front of us on the highway, was a bit scarey.

We snowkited a few days, hiked and just enjoyed the camping. Lots of great friends were around. We all camped in the same area as everyone else on Memorial Day weekend, lots of skis and snowboards in campground. On our way home we were able to see a Grizzly Bear, huge and a bit scarey.